Τετάρτη 16 Μαΐου 2012

Speptiscism about Greece and the effects of a Greek Exodus

Original post by me on The Independent 
After this post the British DEMOCRATES erased my account
It is really sad to read some of the stuff people write in some of the blogs around Europe. It is easy to put tags on others, stereotypes like Germans are Nazis, Greeks are lazy, Britt’s are phlegmatic, French are rude etc. People should understand that for the Euro crisis aren't the Greeks to blame. Greece was the weakest link in a chain of more week links. If someone wanted to plan an attack against the EU would naturally start from Greece. If Greece wasn't a part of the EU like some people here write then they would attack Portugal. If there wasn't any Portugal then Ireland, Spain, Italy, Belgium ...France. There isn't any country in Europe that isn't sunk in government debt. If the UK for some crazy reason wanted to apply for membership in the euro zone wouldn't be accepted because it has a deficit that is way beyond 3% and and a huge external debt. Germany - the good pupil of the class- also doesn't fulfill the criteria. If the Eurozone falls apart will not be because of Greece, it will be because the centers of power outside Europe want it to be so and because here in Europe instead of building a unified front against them we fight each other and every country tries to protect its petty interests. The Germans want austerity because a weak Euro helps their exports (German exports have boomed since the eurocrisis), the French want Eurobonds because they hear already the knocking on their door, the British don't want the Germans or the French, the Greeks don't want anything at all, they just want to continue leaving of the State.
In December of 1941 President Roosevelt received a letter from Winston Churchill stating that by June of that year England would no longer be able to pay for the supplies and arms the United States had been providing in the battle against Germany and thus wouldn't be able to continue fighting the war. The American public was against helping Britain and taking any part in the war, they actually thought that the old republics in Europe deserved to be taken over by the Nazis (something like the Eurotrash you here nowadays in the States by some) because of their vanity.
President Roosevelt - a very wise man- used the analogy of lending a neighbor your garden hose if his house was on fire and thereby keeping the fire from spreading to your own house, he gained public support for Britain's rescue.
If the politicians in the 40’s were as nearsighted as the ones today (in Europe and Greece) then I am afraid that today we would still see the swastika waving on the Acropolis.
Most people abroad are surprised by the outcome of the Greek election. I am surprised that they are surprised.
This was an angry vote. The Memorandum opposers party Syriza becoming the second party in this election isn't as alarming or surprising as  the Nazi party to come in the parliament with 21 seats.
In Distomo were in 1944 the Nazis as retaliation murdered 600 civilians and burned the village down to the ground the neo-Nazi party had one of its biggest percentages.
As the people will continue to sink in to poverty in Greece their views will become more radical (left or right).
Our day to day life has become hard so it is easier to blame the illegal aliens for our misfortunes. Words of making the nation proud again, avenge those who brought us here and bringing back the National currency is starting to become music in the ears of the masses.
I think the day to day life in Athens is starting to become almost identical to the day to day life of the average German during the interwar years. So many deaths could be prevented back then if Britain and France weren't so harsh with Germany after the WWI.
The arival of the drachma (as many of my country men want and many abroad also) at this point would have catastrophic effects to the economy. Let’s say that as of tomorrow every citizen has to bring his Euros and for every Euro he’ll get one Drachma. When 5 minutes pass instead of having in his pocket 1 Drachma = 1 Euro he’ll have 1 Drachma = 0,1 Euro. When another 5 minutes pass he 'll have 1 Drachma = 0,0000001 Euro. How is going it alone will help the Greek economy. With the Drachma, National product of Greece will become from 260 Billion Euros to e.g. 26 Billion Euros, inflation 'll sky rocket itself.
So explain it to me, how Greece going it alone will help paying back the 200 billion Euro debt, or continue to sustain public Health, public Schools, pensions etc. You must undestand this, my fellow citizens must understand it, everybody must understand that Greece going out of the Euro would be a calamity of epic proportions for Europe and more important for Greece.

If you forget for a moment the effects to the Greek economy for the next 30 or 40 years, you should consider what will happen afterwards when one country after the other starts to default. Ofcourse they will try to distance them selves from Greece by saying to the markets that Greeks are insubordinate , they don't pay their taxes and they are lazy and thats why they defaulted. The rest of the Eurozone has nothing to do with them.
Then Portugal will follow and they 'll say again this southerners have to much sun and not so much appetite for work. When the turn of Italy comes they 'll say that the  naughtyPIIGS shouldn't really have ever been a part of the EU and an endless discution 'll start about two different Euros, one for the North and one for the South, in an attempt to still being able to export to the south by means of the southern Euro, and still being able to use the cheap labor force.
Untill now the rule was : "we provide easy lending to the countries of the south, by means of the Euro and in return they buy our goods expensive" so the goods went south and the money went to the north.
What are the northern economies going to do when the golden rule stops to apply by the default of southern economies.
Are they going to compete then with the Korean and Chinese in the global market. Many British and other European industries belong to Chinese or Indian firms allready. I am sure by then people in the south will not even be able to buy Chinese goods.
Some years ago a chinese car or a Chinese cell was a joke. As the years go buy they have improved their products and in ten years I am certain they 'll have surpassed European products.
For now European products can hold up with far more inexpensive Asian ones by playing the quality card. But what will happen then?
In order to compete with something like that is to tell the German or the Dutch worker that he should work for the same salary as the Chinese worker. By then ofcourse isn't going to be 150 dollars per month but it 'll be maybe 600 dollars. Same as Miss Langard says that the salary in Greece and other Southern countries should be now.
A possible default of Greece or any other nation in Europe would have catastrophic effects in the Europian economy.
There isn't any turning back for Greece or others. My countrymen must understand that there isn't any easy way out of this mess. We must do sacrifices and bleed.
But should we bleed for nothing? No. We must have hope and believe that what we are doing will bring results. Untill now we haven't seen anything. The people in Greece were told that according to the miracle plan from Berlin by 2010 Greece would be able to go to the markets on its own. Then it was 2012.  Now they are saying 2014. Talks have started about an extention to 2015. Nobody is speaking about growth.
What is happening is only to sink further in depression and to watch a German economy to boom with the money we 've taken as loan in the past to buy their goods and have to repay now.
If only we hadn't fallen in the trap of the Euro!

Try to see the big picture and not only the tree in front of you

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